I wasn't sure if I should put this in the woodworking blog or the home improvement one, so it will probably end up in both. For the woodworking portion it will be rather short since it mostly just consists of mounting the wall board and building a box for the rack posts to attach to.
I started with some Baltic birch plywood panels 1/2" thick. Since it is a small rack and I won't have much heavy equipment in there I figured this should be strong enough. I cut the panels to fit four 10U posts and be 24" deep to accommodate a server enclosure.
I joined the corners by using a lock miter router bit. This was my first time using this bit and this type of joinery and also my first time using my new router table I received for Christmas last year. Despite taping around the cut, I still got a lot of tear out on the inside of the joint on all my pieces. This type of joinery is probably better suited for solid lumber and MDF. The veneer is just too thin to hold up. I wasn't too concerned though since it is on the inside and nobody will see it, plus it is just a network rack in the basement.
Glue up of the box. |
I had to use all my parallel clamps and a strap clamp to put the box together in a single glue up. I used right angle clamp brackets to ensure it stayed square while the glue set up. After cleaning up the squeeze out and sanding it down a bit I applied two coats of spray lacquer to finish it before mounting. I used my pocket hole jig to drill some screws for actually mounting it to the wall.
Mounted under the new fiber modem. |